Hemorrhoids in cats
Hemorrhoids in cats: symptoms, causes, and treatment Hemorrhoids are a medical condition that we can find not only in humans but also in animals. Let's see what are the symptoms, causes, and treatment of hemorrhoids in cats. the hemorrhoids consist of inflammation and swelling of blood vessels in the tissues lining the rectum or around the anus. This condition is very common in humans but also in animals such as dogs, horses, and cats. Today we will see what are the causes, symptoms, and treatment of hemorrhoids in cats and if such a medical condition can be prevented. Hemorrhoids in cats: symptoms and causes The main cause of hemorrhoids in cats is hereditary, however, the feline can suffer from this disorder even if it is fed a low fiber diet or if the cat does not drink enough. These two situations are the cause of constipation in the cat, which entails a strong effort during defecation and therefore pressure of the stool in the cat's intest...